Reiki, Chakras, and the Labyrinth Workshop in the U.S.A.
Reiki, Chakras, and the Labyrinth Workshop
Saturday Oct 26, 2019 8:30am – 4pm
St. Thomas Episcopal Church and Spiritual Center
301 St. Thomas Rd. Lancaster, Pa 17601
Light snacks provided consider bringing a bag lunch, along with a journal and whatever else makes you comfortable for the day. No former training is necessary but an understanding of Reiki practice is helpful. No prior labyrinth experience is needed. Everyone is invited and all Reiki levels will benefit!
Cost is $75 in advance $80 at the door. Includes all materials.
Registration is necessary. Limited class space for this one -on -one experience.
To register email event planner:
During this workshop you will learn and experience:
- How to brighten your Reiki practice with new ways of preparation, practice, cleansing, and healing sounds.
- Incorporating the labyrinth in your own practice and how to blend it into your work with others.
- Chakra Labyrinth walk will be offered.
- Self-practice and a demonstration of Reiki with each other.
- Demonstration of Reiki emergency treatment. You will do practice to each other..
*Reiki Mercar Level I Attunements (according to the readiness of participants) On Saturday Oct 26 at the workshop we will be scheduling three - 20 minute private sessions with Ruta for a mini-Reiki session or spiritual direction. This session is at an additional fee of $40 and must be paid in advance please call in advance to schedule.
Ruta Januleviciene is an internationally recognized Reiki Mercar Master Teacher and registered Karuna Reiki Master Teacher of the ICRT. She is a member of The Labyrinth Society since 2012 and serves as their Regional Representative for Lithuania. Ruta facilitates practical workshops combining Reiki and the labyrinth helping others to draw from their own capacity for self-awareness and healing . Scientific interests are: psychology, coaching, the Silva method, psychotherapy, Ruta is also a Psychodrama Practitioner.
Please ask about Level II attunement , private Reiki sessions, or spiritual direction by appointment only Oct. 23rd, 24th, or 25th.
Contact Carmel Stabley at 717 940 3790 for details.