The Journey To Love Yourself And Start A Relationship With Other People
The journey to the beginning of love for yourself and relationships with other people. It is an individual therapeutic trip. The practical tasks of self-knowledge help to find freedom and oneness, to release energy, to transform old patterns of behavior, to become self-free, confident, and happy in the company of others, to love oneself and others, and to establish a trusting spiritual union with loved one’s. Meditations. This trip is for men and women of all ages who are looking for a living human relationship or who already have it but want to improve it, who are based on freedom and respect for themselves and others, love, joy and confidence. This journey will help you relax and look at yourself as if from the side playfully, with an easy heart, which will make it much easier to see things from the perspective of the Universe. The journey into love for yourself, the beginning of self-knowledge and your relationship with other people is a sincere and authentic journey in which you will accept yourself and others.